Huntsville, We Have a Shuttle Trainer!

Space Camp Shuttle Training Aircraft Indiegogo Campaign LogoWith 28 hours left, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center has hit its $70,000 funding goal on the STA Indiegogo campaign!

With $69,070 raised, an anonymous contributor made a $1,000 donation to get the campaign across the finish line!

But just because the original goal has been met, don’t believe for one moment that there’s no point in contributing!  Any money above and beyond the $70,000 can be used to help fund further development of the STA display.

There’s still time left to help!

A lot of people have great reason to celebrate!  $70,000 in fewer than 60 days is certainly no small feat!

No doubt Trevor Daniels, the campaign manager, and Charity Stewart, the USSRC’s Social Media Manager, must be feeling particularly gleeful this fine evening!

A great deal of credit certainly belongs to the newly formed Space Camp Alumni Advancement Board.  Without them, this campaign would likely not have happened, and the Shuttle Training Aircraft might possibly be stuck at the Birmingham Airport for several more years!

Additionally, local Huntsville businesses provided support to the campaign and they are certainly due our thanks:

But obviously this couldn’t have happened without the help of the more-than 300 funders!  Well done, all!

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