Hall of Fame 2009 – Date Announced

Space Camp Hall of Fame 2009 LogoThe date for the 2009 Space Camp Hall of Fame has been set!

Mark your calendars for July 11, 2009.

Nominations are currently being solicited at:


Additionally, Space Camp wants your suggestions with the planning!

I have been critical in the past because the first Hall of Fame event was a very formal affair and it was held far away from Space Camp.

The second year was better in that the tickets were cheaper, the dress code a bit more relaxed, and it was held back home at Space Camp. Still though, it was a bit too formal in nature.

The third time might just be the charm, but it’s up to you! Post your suggestions as to what you think would make the best Hall of Fame / Space Camp celebration to date!

What would make for an appropriate guest list? Should they try to get William Shatner back again, or should someone a little closer to Space Camp MC instead?

What sort of food should be served? Entertainment options?

Discuss all of these points and more in the HabForum!

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