Enterprise Renovations (and I Mean it this Time)

Long time visitors to Hab1.com may remember that in July 2001, I posted that the Enterprise sim and it’s MOCR would be receiving renovations that fall….And then everyone that came back from camp told me nothing had been done! Well, I’ve received word that Enterprise flight deck has just been… Continue reading

Changes to the Training Center Floor

This just in! The Training Center Floor is currently undergoing some pretty major changes! Check out the pictures…notice any changes? (highlight below for the answer) Well, Columbia simulator has been completely dismantled (hence it’s not in these pictures anymore) and the Atlantis simulator has been rotated. Why, you may ask…well,… Continue reading

Maybe there’s something to that Jackrabbit Story…

This story from News.com.au today reports that a nine-year-old boy in China was injured when debris fell from a discarded rocket that had launched a satellite into space (he’ll be fine though). …Sure makes one believe it was possible that a jackrabbit really was crushed when that oxygen tank from… Continue reading